Kite Drawing || How to Draw Kite


Kite drawing is a delightful and creative activity that allows individuals of all ages to express their imagination on paper. Whether you are an art enthusiast or just looking for a fun and relaxing way to spend your time, creating a beautiful kite drawing can be a rewarding experience. In this step-by-step guide, we will take you through the process of drawing a simple yet charming kite.

Visit the Poppy Drawing.

Kite Drawing

Materials Needed:

Drawing paper

Pencils (HB and 2B)



Colored pencils, markers, or crayons (optional)

Note: Visit the Latest Kids Drawing Tutorial.

Step 1: Sketch the Kite Frame

Start by drawing the basic frame of the kite. Use a pencil and lightly sketch a horizontal line for the kite's string. Then, draw two intersecting lines to create the main body of the kite. These lines should form a diamond shape.

Step 2: Define the Shape

Using the initial lines as a guide, refine the shape of the kite by connecting the ends of the lines. Smoothly curve the edges to give the kite a more rounded appearance. Adjust the proportions as needed to achieve the desired shape.

Step 3: Add the Tail

Extend a line downwards from the bottom point of the diamond shape to create the kite's tail. This can be as long or as short as you like, depending on your preference. You can also add a decorative pattern to the tail if you wish.

Step 4: Design the Kite

Let your creativity shine by adding patterns, colors, and details to the kite. Consider drawing geometric shapes, stripes, or any design that appeals to you. Use your imagination to make the kite uniquely yours.

Step 5: Shade and Shadow (Optional)

For a more realistic look, add shading to the kite to create dimension. Identify a light source and darken the areas that would naturally be in shadow. This step is optional and can be skipped if you prefer a simpler, more stylized drawing.

Step 6: Finalize the String

Darken the horizontal line to emphasize the kite's string. You can add details like a bow or swirls at the ends of the string to give it a decorative touch.

Step 7: Erase Guidelines

Carefully go over your drawing, erasing any unnecessary guidelines or construction lines. This will leave you with a clean and polished kite drawing.

Step 8: Optional Coloring

If you'd like to add some vibrant colors to your drawing, use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to bring your kite to life. Experiment with different color combinations to make your artwork visually appealing.

Kite Drawing easy


Drawing a kite is a delightful and accessible art activity that allows you to unleash your creativity. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, following these step-by-step instructions will help you create a charming kite drawing that you can be proud of. So, grab your drawing materials and let your imagination soar as you bring your kite to life on paper!

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