Toad from Mario Drawing || How to Draw Toad from Mario


The world of video games has given us some of the most beloved characters in pop culture, and among them is the charming Toad from the Mario series. With his distinctive mushroom-shaped cap and friendly demeanor, Toad has become a fan favorite since his debut in the 1985 classic, Super Mario Bros. Toad Drawing can be a delightful and nostalgic experience, allowing artists of all ages to express their creativity while paying homage to this iconic character.

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Materials Needed:

Before embarking on your Toad drawing adventure, gather the necessary materials:

Drawing paper or sketchbook

Pencils (preferably an HB or 2B for sketching)


Fine-tipped pens or markers (optional)

Colored pencils, markers, or crayons for coloring (optional)

Toad from the Mario Drawing

Drawing Steps:

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create your own adorable Toad drawing:

Step 1: Basic Shapes

Begin with basic shapes to outline Toad's body. Use a circle for the head and an oval for the body. Connect them with simple lines to form the neck.

Step 2: Facial Features

Draw two large circles for Toad's eyes, leaving space for his characteristic mushroom cap. Add a small curved line below each eye to represent his cheeks. Place a tiny dot for the nose, and draw a smiling mouth beneath it.

Step 3: Mushroom Cap

Create Toad's mushroom cap by drawing a rounded shape above his head. Add a few curved lines to indicate the cap's texture. Don't forget the white spots on the cap, which are essential for the classic Toad look.

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Step 4: Clothing Details

Toad typically wears a vest and pants. Sketch the vest by drawing two rectangles on either side of his body, slightly overlapping the oval. Extend two lines from the bottom of the oval to form his pants.

Step 5: Limbs and Hands

Add Toad's arms by drawing two simple curved lines extending from either side of the oval. At the end of each arm, sketch his three-fingered hands with rounded tips.

Step 6: Finalizing the Drawing

Refine the details, ensuring that Toad looks proportional and capturing the essence of his character. Adjust any lines as needed, and erase any unnecessary guidelines.

Optional: Inking and Coloring

If you prefer a cleaner look, use fine-tipped pens or markers to outline the final drawing. Once the ink is dry, add color using colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Stay true to Toad's classic color palette, featuring bright red and white for his mushroom cap, and blue or red for his vest.

Toad from the Mario For kids


Toad from Mario Drawing is a delightful and nostalgic experience that allows artists to tap into their creativity and express their love for this iconic character. Whether you're a long-time fan of the Mario series or a newcomer to the world of video games, creating your own Toad drawing is a fun way to connect with the beloved Nintendo character and showcase your artistic talents. So, grab your drawing materials and embark on a creative journey with Toad!

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