Water Liliy Drawing || How to Draw a Water Lily


Water lilies, with their choice magnificence and quiet presence, have for some time been a most loved subject for craftsmen. These drifting oceanic plants are outwardly staggering as well as convey a feeling of serenity and harmony. Drawing a water lily can be a fulfilling and pleasant imaginative undertaking. In this bit by bit guide, we will investigate the most common way of making a reasonable water lily drawing. In this way, get your drawing supplies and we should get everything rolling!

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Water lily Drawing for kids

Materials Needed:

Before you begin, make sure you have the following materials ready:

Drawing paper or sketchbook

Pencils (2H, HB, 2B)


Blending tools (tortillon or blending stump)

Colored pencils or watercolor pencils

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape

Start by daintily portraying the essential state of the water lily on your paper. Utilize a HB pencil for this underlying framework. Water lilies come in different sizes and shapes, so you can pick the one you need to draw. Make sure to attract the roundabout leaves and the bloom the middle.

Step 2: Define the Leaves

Water lily leaves are normally round or heart-framed, and they float on the water's surface. To draw the leaves, use a 2B pencil to make the structures and describe their edges. Add a few veins to make the leaves look more sensible.

Step 3: Draw the Flower

The water lily's unquestionable bloom sits on a long stem. Use a 2B pencil to frame the blossom's general shape. The petals are by and large changed and to some curved. Focus on the subtleties of the petals and the focal stamen. You can add more detail later, so don't stress over getting it amazing at this stage.

Step 4: Add Shading

Shading is urgent to making a practical water lily drawing. Begin by concealing the leaves. Utilize a 2B pencil to make shadows on the lower part of the leaves, where they plunge into the water. Leave the upper parts lighter to address the impression of the sky.

For the flower, gently shade the petals with a 2B pencil to create depth and form. The stamen in the center can be detailed with fine lines or dots.

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Step 5: Refine Details

With a HB pencil, refine the subtleties of the leaves and the blossom. Focus on the veining of the leaves and add surface to the blossom's petals. Be patient and take as much time as necessary to get the subtleties right.

Step 6: Blending

To make a smoother and more reasonable appearance, utilize a mixing instrument like a tortillon or mixing stump to mix the concealing on the leaves and the bloom. This will assist with mellowing the pencil strokes and make a more regular look.

Step 7: Optional Color

To add tone to your water lily drawing, you can utilize shaded pencils or watercolor pencils to upgrade the dynamic shades of the bloom and leaves. Apply the varieties daintily and progressively, and utilize a watercolor brush to mix and mellow the tones.

Step 8: Final Touches

In the wake of adding variety, audit your drawing for any last contacts. Change the overshadowing, subtleties, and varieties depending on the situation to accomplish the ideal degree of authenticity and profundity.

water lily drawing


Water lily drawing can be a splendid and insightful experience for any artist, whether you're a youngster or a cultivated specialist. With the right materials and a one small step at a time approach, you can make a magnificent and sensible water lily drawing that gets the clean and serenity of these beguiling maritime plants. Consequently, douse yourself in this imaginative methodology, and participate in the trip of conveying nature's greatness to your paper.Your Tutorial is Complete. So Visit the more Cool drawing ideas tutorials.

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