Cross with Wings Drawing || How to Draw a Cross with Wings


The cross with wings is a strong and representative picture that conveys profound importance for some individuals. It addresses a combination of otherworldly and heavenly components, frequently implying opportunity, confidence, and insurance. Cross with wings drawing can be a significant and inventive undertaking. In this bit by bit guide, we will take you through the most common way of making your own cross with wings drawing.

Visit the Tails Drawing.

Cross with wings Drawing for kids

Materials Needed:



Drawing paper

Fine-tip markers or pens

Color pencils or markers 

Step 1: Basic Cross Shape

Begin by drawing the essential state of the cross. You can make it as straightforward or elaborate as you like. A basic cross with equivalent length arms is a decent beginning stage. Utilize your pencil and daintily sketch out the shape. Guarantee that the vertical and level lines converge at the middle.

Step 2: Wings Outline

Then, now is the ideal time to draw the wings. Settle on the position and size of the wings according to the cross. You can have the wings expand outward from the highest point of the cross, making an even plan. Utilize your pencil to draw out the framework of the wings. They ought to bend and stream nimbly from the cross, looking like the state of real wings.

Step 3: Feathers and Details

Presently, add a subtleties to the wings. Make feather-like shapes inside the wings, following the form of the wings you've illustrated. Plumes can fluctuate in size and shape, and you can add as numerous or as not many as you like. Ensure the quills on the two sides of the cross are balanced.

Visit the More Shape Learning videos  tutorials on the soft roots website.

Step 4: Refine the Cross

Return to the cross and refine its lines. Make the edges fresh and clean, it is proportionate and balanced to guarantee that it. Change the lines on a case by case basis to make the cross the focal point of your drawing.

Step 5: Finalize the Wings

Add more detail to the wings by drawing extra quills and shapes. Focus on the bend and stream of the wings to make them look agile and practical. You can add more many-sided subtleties, such as concealing and surface, on the off chance that you want.

Step 6: Erase Guidelines

Cautiously delete any excess pencil rules that are not generally required. Be delicate while eradicating, so you don't harm the paper.

Step 7: Coloring

Presently, now is the ideal time to variety your drawing. Utilize fine-tip markers or pens to cross the last lines of your cross and wings. Inking will make your drawing stick out and give it a cleaned look. You can likewise differ the line thickness to add profundity and aspect.

Step 8: Coloring 

If you have any desire to add tone to your drawing, you can utilize shaded pencils or markers to rejuvenate your cross with wings. Pick colors that have individual importance or convey the feelings and implications you partner with this image.

Step 9: Final Touches

Pause for a minute to survey your drawing and make any fundamental final details. Guarantee that the lines are perfect and sharp, and that the wings and cross are even.

Cross with wings Drawing Step by Step


Cross with wings drawing can be a reflective and expressive imaginative activity, permitting you to permeate the image with individual significance and translation. Whether you decide to keep it basic or add complex subtleties, your completed the process of drawing will be a lovely portrayal of this emblematic picture. With training and persistence, your imaginative abilities will proceed to develop, and you might find that you can make progressively perplexing and significant show-stoppers.

Your Tutorial is Complete. So Visit the more Pencil Sktech Drawing tutorials.

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